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 1x01 Suivant
Diffusé le : 07/05/1977
It's 10:17 Galaxy Time, April 2, as we see Quark picking up space garbage for the United Galaxy Sanitation Patrol. We are then introduced to Adam Quark and his wacky crew, Gene/Jean, O.B. Mudd, the Betty's, and Andy the Android. We are then taken to Space Station Perma One where we find Palindrome and The Head discussing the impending destruction of the galaxy by a giant enzyme cloud. They conclude that the only hope is to sacrifice Quark and his crew for the sake of the masses. But before the laser-gram message comes from Perma One to Quark, Andy the robot ejects a bag of garbage, feeds the enzyme cloud, and the galaxy is saved. As a reward, Quark gets his permanent mission to scour the Universe - for garbage of course! (
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