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Stark Raving Mad
Précédent  1x02 Suivant
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Diffusé le : 30/09/1999
Ian's curiosity is piqued after Henry mentions picking up a gift for his girlfriend, Tess, for their anniversary. When Henry refuses to tell Ian anything more about her out of fear Ian will play a practical joke on her, Ian waits until after Henry calls Tess -- and then uses redial to find out where she is. Working in an art gallery is where. So Ian goes there, meets Tess, and pretends to be a couples counselor to trick her into giving him the juicy details about Henry. Ian soon learns to be careful what you wish for when he returns home, horrified, and tells Maddie and Jake that Henry's girlfriend thinks he's a dud in bed and secretely wants to be entertained with toys. Naughty, naughty toys. After Henry comes back with Tess' gift -- flannel sheets -- Ian comes clean about Tess' confession, while Henry figures out Ian hit redial. Henry begs Ian to give him kinky tips to please Tess, so a nauseated Ian takes Henry out to a sex shop that sells S&M toys. Then Henry drops by the art galle (
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