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Sunset Beach
Précédent  1x51 Suivant
Episode 51
Diffusé le : 18/03/1997
Ricardo fears Gabi might reveal where he was on the night Paula was kidnapped. Eddie and Gregory retell the story of the night Del was murdered. The both confess that they didn't kill the man, and Eddie explains how he found Del mortally wounded, and how he did everything that Gregory wanted him to do, starting with taking a briefcase and planting a gun in Annie's apartment. Rae's ex-fiancée Wei-Lee Young arrives. Casey avoids talking about his mother. Annie listens as Ben and Meg talk about Annie's irresponsible behavior. Ben refuses to give any info on Annie to Gregory. Eddie realizes his briefcase is missing. Meanwhile, Mark gives the briefcase to Meg, who takes it to Ben's office. (
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