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Précédent  5x07 Suivant
Ep. #1023
Diffusé le : 15/07/2003
Charity continues to have upsetting premonitions about the baby tearing her and Miguel apart. Kay explodes with anger watching Miguel and Grace fuss over Charity. Kay and the baby continue to be in distress during labor. Meanwhile, Tabitha's unborn demon baby tries to kill Julian. Beth nearly kills Sheridan when she won't call Luis and tell him she's okay. Sheridan gives in as her clown kidnapper threatens her with a gun. Mrs. Wallace fears Sheridan will use the call to blow them out of the water. Luis panics when he sees Antonio reading Sheridan's diary. At the airport, Chad and Theresa try to stop an outraged Simone from attacking her sister. Whitney tries again to reach out to Simone. Simone warns everyone Whitney will betray them, too. (
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