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Précédent  5x04 Suivant
Ep. #1020
Diffusé le : 10/07/2003
The paramedics are ready to take Kay to the hospital but she won't leave without Miguel. Upstairs, Miguel comforts a terrified Charity after a frightening dream. Tabitha is relieved Charity doesn't remember that she saw a demon baby. Ivy makes David use Kay's situation to get closer to Grace. At the hospital, the doctor tells a frightened Grace and Pilar that Kay and her baby are in grave danger. TC wants to know why Julian and Eve were near the club before the fire started. Liz worries about how she's going to pay for the repairs without insurance. Whitney says good-bye to her family. TC ignores his daughter and lashes out at Eve for giving her blessing. Luis decides to call the search back on and explains he doesn't believe Sheridan left on her own. Antonio and Hank try to reason with him, but Luis is certain she's been kidnapped. (
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