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Ep. #1019
Diffusé le : 09/07/2003
Whitney discusses with Chad her surprise over Eve giving her blessing to go to L.A. TC feels betrayed by his wife's actions and demands answers. Eve has trouble explaining without revealing her fears that Liz would lead Whitney down the wrong path in her quest for revenge. Eve worries her sister is getting exactly what she wants. Julian points out to Liz that, without the Blue Note, she now has no reason to stay in Harmony. The Fire Marshall announces the fire was set deliberately. Everyone tries to help a frightened Kay when her water breaks. Kay notes it's too soon. Miguel blames himself for upsetting her. Grace tries to help her daughter relax. Tabitha finds Charity levitating in her bedroom. Charity has a nightmare about the demon Tabitha is carrying and accuses her of being evil. Beth tries to keep Luis from looking any further for Sheridan, as she makes up false reasons for Sheridan leaving. Antonio is happy his wife is ""safe"". (
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