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Ep. #696 / Good Friday
Diffusé le : 29/03/2002
Whitney and Theresa have a frightening encounter in the dark. Whitney wants Theresa to stop carrying out Julian's plan, but Theresa won't hear of it. Ethan and Theresa help make Chad's dreams come true by giving him access to a state-of-the-art recording studio that Julian owned. Ethan and Theresa share a close moment. Theresa thinks Whitney is jealous of Chad because he's going after what he wants. Whitney insists she is following her dreams. Chad is moved by his new working arrangement. Luis struggles with his feelings as he prepares to leave for Bermuda. A guilt-ridden Luis admits to his mother that Antonio returned home over the holidays. Pilar is overjoyed. Luis promises her he will bring his brother home if he ever runs into Antonio again. Brian panics when he can't find ""Diana"" on the boat. Sheridan nearly drowns after getting knocked out by a boom and falls into the ocean. Sheridan sees her ""dead"" lover. Brian saves his love once more. Sheridan encourages Brian to reach out to (
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