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Falcon Crest
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Wheels Within Wheels
Diffusé le : 04/03/1988
Shortly after Richard carries Maggie across the threshold of their new home, he is perturbed by the news that Eric and Vickie have left for Europe and that someone has broken into his wall safe. Also, the key to his Swiss bank safe-deposit box has been copied in wax. In Geneva, Eric and Vickie put their plan into motion, getting a wax mold of the key that will admit them to the bank vault. Melissa will not warm up to her uncle Frank and Angela frankly doesn't know why he even bothers trying to win her over. Frank Agretti then tells Angela that he's not sure what his heirloom is, but he has to pass it on before he dies. Angela learns he has six months to two years to live. To help Emma figure out why Curtis Estabrook was murdered, Lance goes to Las Vegas to speak with George Wescott, a man who tells him about John Remick's connection to the murder. Maggie is shocked to hear him report that whatever Curtis knew about Remick resulted in his death. Also, Richard is involved in this somehow (
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