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Crazy Like A Fox
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
Wanted Dead and Alive
Diffusé le : 17/02/1985
While Harry's office's being fumigated, he camps out at Harrison's. One night as they were leaving a man walks in looking for ""Mr. Fox"", but dies before he could reveal which Mr. Fox he was looking for or what he wanted. He would be identified as the partner of a man who swindled several people at disappeared after that. Now it's been hinted that they entrusted the money the got to someone, and Harrison being a lawyer, is being smeared as their lawyer, and evrybody who was swindled is demanding that Harrison give back their money which he doesn't have. Harry would eventually learn that he was the one the man was looking for, and that he discovered where is partner is. The partner is back in town to see his daughter, Harry and Harrison would eventually catch him and Harrison's cleared. (
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