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The Trouble with Normal
Précédent  1x11 Suivant
Spy vs. Guy
Diffusé le : 00/00/0000
It's Saturday night, and everyone's got a date. That is, except for Max and Stansfield. Zack's old girlfriend, an FBI agent, ran into him and asked him out. In the morning after, Zack freaks when she starts asking questions like ""how do you like your eggs?"" and thinks she's only back with him to investigate him. On the therapy session, Claire says that sharing is an important step in the beginnings of any relationship, and if it wasn't for that, her last date wouldn't have ended in such a fiasco. Bob is very happy because he and Kristen share everything. In fact, he planned to take her on a trip to Vermont - until she tells him that Vermont reminded her of an old boyfriend and she decided to go back to him. Zack is convinced that sharing is good and apologizes to Dora. Max and Stansfield decide to spend time with each other, until they share too much. (
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