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The Trouble with Normal
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Help Yourself
Diffusé le : 00/00/0000
Zack gets a job at Bob's company, and becomes the ""office supplies pimp"" after discovering he can order whatever he wants from the catalog. He think that giving people stuff makes them like him better, and makes the guys believe it too. Bob, who was trying to flirt with his cubicle neighbor without any success, starts to give her office supplies gifts and ends up getting a lunch date. Max convinces Stansfield to try to find an old person to be friends with like he did with Doris. Incidentally, Stansfield ends up meeting the magician he liked in childhood. Max starts to give the elderly office supplies too, and they get addicted to it. Claire tells the guys that bribing people with office supplies is not a good thing, but nobody listens to her. Bob's boss comes back and finds him and Zack stealing a couch and fires them both, but Zack convinces him to keep Bob. (
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