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Diffusé le : 09/05/1984
Movie producer Steve Cutler blackmails Lauren Webb with the fact that Lauren appeared in some of his soft-core pornographic films many years ago. Steve threatens to reveal Lauren's past if she doesn't find money to back his next film. After Lauren fails to obtain money from of her boss, Byron Comstock, Steve reveals the secret to Lauren's husband, Tom, who promptly leaves Lauren. Lauren confesses her past to Comstock and offers her resignation, but her boss gives her a fatherly hug and refuses to accept her resignation. Cassie Ray, a young unwed mother, prepares to give her baby up for adoption to Larry McLain and his wife Gail. When faced with signing the adoption papers, however, Cassie has a hard time following through. Mark, who has befriended Cassie, tracks down the baby's father, Eugene, a merchant seaman who is unaware of Cassie's pregnancy. After an emotional reunion, the young couple visits the McLains and convinces them to give back the baby. (
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