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The Chris Isaak Show
Précédent  2x12 Suivant
Farm Boys
Diffusé le : 04/06/2002
From Showtime: On a flight to Nashville to sing a duet with Emmy Lou Harris, Chris and the gang are forced to crash land in a wheat field in the middle of nowhere. They come upon an isolated by picturesque farmhouse and are warmly greeted by Evie and her husband Del, who recognize Chris right away. But despite their apparent good will, Chris and the others begin to suspect that Evie and her family are hiding something and have no intention of helping them to get home. As Yola settles into the guest room, she notices the odd behavior of Evie's son, Teddy, and how he is always sneaking up into the attic. More curious than afraid, she is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery and is amazed by what she discovers. Meanwhile, Anson has a dilemma. He's very attracted to Evie's daughter Inger, but he made a promise to God to give up girls if they survived the plane crash. Now he's having to resist all her seductive advances and the temptation is making him miserable. (
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