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Précédent  3x08 Suivant
Diffusé le : 28/10/1988
A hairdresser's mood swings causes a disagreement between Megan and David, who tells the woman to keep taking the pills prescribed by her doctor, but when she returns later with a deep gash on her arm, he realises his mistake. Her husband and daughter have suffered over the years as well and Megan finally gets her to agree to seek professional help. An old war hero gets separated from his dog and is totally confused, when he's admitted but all he wants is his dog and Megan cheers him up when she tells him he's been found by the police. Valerie goes to a local bonfire night with friends and gang of kids cause trouble when they steal some rockets and throw them into the fire. Panic sets in, as parents try to protect their kids but Valerie and her friend's son are injured and rushed to Holby. The boy has to be transferred to a burns clinic and Charlie attends to her badly burnt arm and advises her to go home. A little girl comes in with suspected meningitis and Megan has decided to (
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