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Précédent  14x82 Suivant
Diffusé le : 06/07/1998
Mick is nervous about the opening night of his new venture at the night café. Lola arrives and tells him that she is leaving the band - she has found an agent. Grant is jealous when he sees Tiffany and Beppe chatting in the Vic. He takes Tiffany away from behind the bar and confronts her. Phil tries to talk to Grant, who is thinking of going to Scotland to see Nigel. Phil asks him if he thinks Tiffany would still be there when he gets back. Lola returns to the café and tells Mick that she has been given a contract. Mick is not pleased for her - he tells her not to bother ringing him! Louise has been busy all day redecorating Ruth's living room with bits and pieces. Ruth is delighted with the result and Louise says she will take her to the night café. (
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