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Young & Hungry
Précédent  2x19 Suivant
Young & Younger Brother (1)
Diffusé le : 14/10/2015
Elliot and Alan's wedding is right around the corner, and despite Elliot's misgivings, the couple asks Gabi to make some whimsical appetizers for their special day. When Josh's flaky younger brother, Jake, shows up for an unexpected visit and announces he wants to be a chef, Josh hires him to help Gabi with wedding prep. But as sparks fly between the two, Josh realizes what he's done and goes to great expense to separate the budding lovebirds. Elsewhere, Yolanda panics when she misplaces Elliot's wedding ring while one of the grooms feels left out of his own nuptials. Elsewhere, Jake has a huge surprise for Gabi. (
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7.7 / 10
(3 votes)
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