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Jeeves & Wooster
(Jeeves and Wooster)
Précédent  3x06 Suivant
Comrade Bingo
Diffusé le : 03/05/1992
Bingo Little has joined The Red Dawn, an outspoken Communist group, to be near Charlotte Rowbotham, with whom he is in love. Bertie is pushed by Aunt Dahlia into going to Marsham Manor (near Goodwood) with her so she can get Cornelia Fothergill to sign her latest novel to her, so she can use it in her magazine. However, she doesn't tell Bertie that she wants him to steal a painting to accomplish this (we see why Bertie would never have made it as a burglar). Roderick Spode is also there, now the seventh earl of Sidcup (the sixth Earl having died) and is giving a farewell tour to his Black Shorts. (
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