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Coffee Prince
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Tenth Cup
Diffusé le : 31/07/2007
Meeting accidentally, Eun-chan and Han-sung repair their friendship. As Han-sung still can't decide what to say about Yoo-joo leaving for America, Yoo-joo points out that he doesn't even know he has another love interest (Eun-chan). Seeing that all is not well, Ha-rim takes an active interest in Han-kyul's well-being and chides Eun-chan for her apparent lack of concern over the situation. When misspoken words finally reveal to Ha-rim that Eun-chan is a girl and that he's the last of the employees to know, he's angered at their allowing Han-kyul to suffer (for which he is restrained from interfering). Han-kyul finally reaches a breaking point about Eun-chan. Meanwhile, Sun-ki finds and follows young No-eul home to learn where his mom (love-interest Yuko) is living, and Min-yeop gets to play hard-to-get when Eun-sae finally starts returning is calls. (
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