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Coffee Prince
Précédent  1x06 Suivant
Sixth Cup
Diffusé le : 17/07/2007
Though elegantly dressed for the occasion, Eun-chan fears being recognized by both Yoo-joo and Han-kyul at Yoo-joo's art exhibit. Seeing Han-sung with Yoo-joo prompts Eun-chan to recognize their attachment and get over her crush on him. As both want to remain friends, Yoo-joo stumbles upon Eun-chan's secret. Business at the coffee shop picks up when a home-spun commercial made from footage at the orchard hits the Internet, making stars of shop personnel. Concurrently, Han-kyul finds himself becoming attracted to Eun-chan. Still believing she's a boy, he begins questioning the legitimacy of his feelings (while enjoying putting Eun-chan to task at work). Han-kyul devises a simple test to confirm his sexual orientation, testing it on another (to his satisfaction) before applying it to Eun-chan. (
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