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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  40x96 Suivant
Ep. #10022
Diffusé le : 23/03/2005
Stan/Sami watches as Billie sobs for her daughter on the docks, and is pleased when Billie finds the 'Georgia' doll. While looking for Abby, Patrick finds a sobbing Billie and once again offers to help her find her daughter. Belle rushes to Shawn's aid after his motorcycle accident and tries to get him to the hospital, but he begs her to take him home so that no one will find out he was drinking and driving. After John issues his ultimatum about helping Philip, Kate wonders if she is being punished for all the misery she caused Lucas, Sami and Will. Hope warns Bo that if he continues to put his search for Georgia ahead of her and their sons, she will leave him. (
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7 / 10
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