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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  39x29 Suivant
Ep. #9711
Diffusé le : 19/12/2003
The killer runs around Salem Place after having attacked Sami, who narrowly escaped and Roman has to eliminate more suspects – Rex, Kate, Sami and Lucas are eliminated. Lucas takes Sami home and puts her to bed after having escaped the killer's attack, but she gets freaked out and runs into Lucas' apartment and climbs into bed with him; Belle and Shawn continue to share a romantic evening, still unaware that Jan is in the apartment; Everyone hears the sirens around the city and Shawn and Rex split and go to give Roman and hand, and worried for her mother, Mimi runs out to check on her mom and ends up face to face with the killer alongside her mom and Max… (
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