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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9580
Diffusé le : 16/06/2003
PREVIEW: Rex and Mimi make love; Belle and Philip prepare to party at Victor's; Nicole puts Rolf's body to use. SUMMARY: Tony goes to visit Sami at the hospital and is surprised when he sees her open her eyes. She looks blankly at him and he tells her to relax and he will get her doctor…Sami is awake!! Lucas and Cassie are back at the DiMera mansion and Cassie is trying to make another play for Lucas, using his want for her before as bait. Lucas reminds her that nothing happened and he rejects her and calls her a little girl and tells her that she is not ready for a guy like him. She continues to try her plays for him just as Tony returns home… Meanwhile, Mimi and Rex are upstairs in Rex's room having returned from dropping Rolf's body at the morgue. Rex tells Mimi how much he appreciated her help today and says that he couldn't have done it without her. The two begin kissing to take their minds off of the events of the day and are slowing undressing when Tony knocks on the door. Mim (
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