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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9577
Diffusé le : 11/06/2003
PREVIEW: Belle spies on Phillip -- and Tek shoots her! Bo and Hope get their first bounty case. SUMMARY: Belle admits to Shawn that she thinks Philip hasn't been honest with them about what he's really doing back in Salem. Before she can get specific, Mimi interrupts. She's looking for Rex. As she waxes on about Rex, everyone realizes that she is in love. Happy, Mimi leaves, and Shawn gets paged and has to do a job for Mickey. Once Belle is alone she sees Philip moving in with Tek. She hides to try and find out what is going on but Tek sees her and shoots her. Philip is dismayed. Tek tells him to relax, it was just a tranquilizer dart. Philip rushes over to Belle... waiting for her to wake up, cradling her in his arms. Later, Shawn finds a drenched/groggy Belle. She has no memory of what happened. She must have fallen into the water, but who rescued her? She has no idea. Shawn leads her off, as Philip watches enigmatically. Bo/Hope work their first case as bounty hunters. Bo uses Tommy (
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6 / 10
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