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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9571
Diffusé le : 03/06/2003
PREVIEW: Brandon rushes to Lexie's side at the hospital; Belle becomes suspicious of Philip and Tek; Brandon leaves Salem. SUMMARY: When Sami learns that Lexie planted the fake paternity results into the hospital lab's computer, Sami bursts into a fit of rage and tries to attack Lexie. As Abe breaks up the catfight, Lexie continues to chastise Sami as Kate/Nicole/Lucas enjoy the show. Once Sami realizes that Brandon left, she panics, and storms out of the room desperately trying to find him. Nicole, then Roman/Kate, and finally Lucas waylay her with gloating and recriminations. Meanwhile, Brandon returns to the apartment to pack and is interrupted by Nicole. Brandon voices his anger about Sami and himself for being taken in by her. He tells Nicole that he is going back to Chicago to visit their sister Taylor and he doesn't know if he is ever coming back. Abe stops by soon after to talk with Brandon. The father/son awkwardly struggle to talk about everything that has unfolded between th (
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7 / 10
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