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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9568
Diffusé le : 29/05/2003
PREVIEW: Brandon shocks Sami with the truth about Lexie's baby; Phillip and John team up as agents. SUMMARY: While Hope is forced to accompany Vin Ramsell to his hotel, Carlos finally revives the unconscious Bo by drenching him with a bottle of cold water. When Bo gets his bearings, he races off to rescue Hope. But before he gets there, it looks like Ramsell is going to rape Hope. Bo spraypaints a slam against Vin on the wall, tricking Vin into tracking the culprit down. Once Vin leaves, Bo rushes in to save Hope just in time. Our two heroes charge off to nail Vin Ramsell. Brandon shocks Sami by revealing that Abe is his biological father while Abe, Lexie, Lucas and Eugenia listen in. Before he can be questioned, focus shifts to Lexie who is about to give birth. Abe allows Brandon to stay for the birth of his son. After the baby is born healthy, Abe and Brandon have a tentative rapprochement. Sami freaks, as Eugenia informs her that she will tell Brandon the truth -- that Sami switched (
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