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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9563
Diffusé le : 22/05/2003
PREVIEW: Rex makes a surprising discovery; Hope's premonition about Bo in danger rings true. SUMMARY: Hope returns home and suddenly gets a premonition that Bo is in trouble. She tries to call him, but he can't pick up in time because he's fighting with two thugs at the Del Rio hotel. He does use the ringing phone as a distraction to win the fight and throws the guys out. As he ices his face, he calls Hope and she deduces that he's been in a fight. She wants to come down there, but Bo thinks it is far too dangerous. Hope makes plans to leave Zack with his grandparents so she can go be with Bo. While Bo is out getting food, Vin returns from fishing and goes up to his room. Bo returns, clearly on a crash course with Vin... Rex is driven to discover the problem with his DNA test results because they say that Belle isn't his sister. Mimi is bored as he analyzes all of his samples and data again and she makes a date with a guy who saw her on the dating show. Rex isn't happy about it, but th (
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10 / 10
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