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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  38x116 Suivant
Ep. #9545
Diffusé le : 28/04/2003
PREVIEW: Tony leaves John to die; Lexie goes into labor with no one to help her; Victor's life is in danger. SUMMARY: **from** John's trapped in the sauna after the earthquake because of a fallen weight machine and Tony is unconscious outside the sauna. He finally wakes up and John asks for his help, but Tony flatly refuses. John can't believe Tony will leave him to die and Tony retorts that John would've let him die at the island compound if Marlena hadn't forced John to help him up from the pit. He's forced to reluctantly admit that Tony is right. Tony turns up the heat in the sauna before he leaves John there to die... Lexie wakes up trapped in the pit she fell in on the DiMera grounds. She cries out for help when she realizes her cell phone isn't working. Meanwhile, Abe's concern rises because he still hasn't made contact with Lexie and he's inundated with police business at the station. He sends cops out to search for Lexie, but no one can find her. Back in the pi (
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9 / 10
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