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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9535
Diffusé le : 14/04/2003
PREVIEW: Kate turns to Tony to forget Roman; Bo arrests Vin; Jack quits the paper and Jennifer has a surprise! SUMMARY: **from** Tony receives a fax with a photo of Vin and he sends it to Victor, but neither of them knows who the man is or why he's hiding at Echelon. Tony wants to deal with it, but Bart reminds him that he has a lunch date. Meanwhile, Kate is finishing a business lunch at Tuscany when Maggie intercepts her and tells her she should watch the police news conference to see her boyfriend, but Kate retorts that Roman is her ex-boyfriend. Hope and Lexie are there for lunch and they talk Kate into joining them to watch the conference. Tony arrives with his lunch date, whom Kate recognizes as a head of a large investment firm, and he slides up to them, curious at all the excitement. Tony reacts when he sees a picture of Vin during the conference and realizes he's the man who's hiding at the club. Tony has a minion tell Hope where Vin is and she rushes to te (
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9 / 10
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