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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9531
Diffusé le : 07/04/2003
PREVIEW: Bo and Roman make an illegal entry; Jennifer is in danger; Rex decides to move home. SUMMARY: At the Hartley House, Cassie walks right into Belle's dorm room, which upsets her because Cassie doesn't live there anymore. Cassie tells Belle that since they are still family, she can still come visit her. Belle tries to apologize for their fight before, and then asks Cassie what she is doing there? Cassie says she is looking for Chaz. Chaz is walking past and happens to hear his name, comes in and tells Cassie about another party. Cassie tells him that it sounds like fun and asks him to call her. Belle gives him the cold shoulder and is rude to him. He tells Cassie that he is headed to the party house and will call her later. Chaz takes off, and Cassie lays into Belle for being so rude to Chaz and Belle tells her to get out if she wants to hang out with creeps like Chaz. Cassie leaves and heads up to Rex's room. Up in Rex and Shawn's room, they are doing homework and Mimi comes b (
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