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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  38x74 Suivant
Ep. #9503
Diffusé le : 24/02/2003
PREVIEW Bo chases Larry; Shawn rushes to rescue Belle and Hope; Marlena recalls the twins' birth! SUMMARY At the DiMera compound, Tony has the tower room set up like it was when Marlena was held there. Marlena looks all around and says that something very important happened here. John is obviously uncomfortable with this idea, but Tony refuses to let him disrupt what is going to happen. Marlena tells them that she will do whatever it takes to remember what happened to her. Marlena gets up on the bed and lays down (almost looks like a hospital bed) and before long, she begins to have memory flashes. She remembers being in that very bed the night of a terrible storm and seeing a doctor at the end of her bed as she is in a fetal position, giving birth to the twins! Dr. Rolf was the doctor who was there and encouraged her to deliver them (although at this point, Marlena makes no reference that she knows who the DR is). As she is telling John and Tony about this, Tony grabs Marlena's h (
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