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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  38x70 Suivant
Ep. #9499
Diffusé le : 18/02/2003
PREVIEW: Tension increases between John and Marlena; Brandon asks Sami to move in with him and she accepts! SUMMARY: At the Green Mountain Lodge, Doug and Julie are in their room and Julie is in the other room putting Zack down to sleep and Doug, dressed in a tux, is on the phone and he orders candy, and roses for Julie. She comes out and she is dressed in a beautiful blue dress and tells Doug that Zack is asleep, poor little guy, he's coming down with a cold. The two of them discuss that they are glad that they are in the bridal suite, and they had plans to go out to celebrate, but since Zack is sick, they decide to stay in and have their own Valentines Day celebration. Julie tells Doug how much she loves him and how jealous her friends are of their marriage. She says their friend Roberta got Trivets for Valentines Day because her husband doesn't "get it" like Doug does. They happily recall other Valentines Day celebrations around the world they've celebrated. He tells her his fa (
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