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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  38x54 Suivant
Ep. #9483
Diffusé le : 24/01/2003
PREVIEW: Brady attempts to hack into the DiMera server; Belle tells Shawn she's ready to make love. Colin's killer confesses! SUMMARY: **from** Bo/Hope return home from Alice's birthday party and Hope is stunned at the realization that she may have killed Colin. She finally remembers some of the lost moments from the night, leading her to confide in Bo that she thinks she could have murdered Colin. She admits she saw Larry at the party and he called her a murderer, triggering all these memories. Hope picks up the phone to call Abe, but Bo stops her, adamant that they're not calling anyone... Chloe is concerned that Brady is trying to hack into the DiMera server and Bart catches the breach, alerting Tony of the problem. Tony plants bogus information in a file so Brady will find it; as he does this, he orders Bart to arrange a "life altering experience." John shows up at the loft to warn him to stay away from Tony and off Chloe's glances, sees that Brady has hacked into (
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