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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  38x52 Suivant
Ep. #9481
Diffusé le : 22/01/2003
PREVIEW: Sami learns what Brandon's been hiding; Hope is plagued by visions of Larry; Victor and Nicole return from their honeymoon. SUMMARY: **from** Sami/Brandon are together at the loft when Fay stops by and asks to speak to her son alone. Sami obliges, but listens from the hallway and is speechless to learn that Brandon may have killed Colin. Meanwhile, Jack and Jennifer acknowledge that they love each other but still have a lot to work through. Jack recalls seeing Nicole/Colin kissing and a photographer taking pictures; Jennifer reveals that Sami took credit for that. She leaves for Tuscany and Jack calls Sami to meet him. He confronts her about the photos and, realizing it could be a motive for murder on Nicole's part, she doesn't correct him that Tony had the pictures taken at her request. Sami's electrified and does everything she can to fuel Jack's suspicion of Nicole. Sami returns to Brandon, determined to protect him by railroading his sister, while Jack fe (
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8 / 10
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