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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
Précédent  38x40 Suivant
Ep. #9469
Diffusé le : 06/01/2003
PREVIEW: Suspects arise in Colin's murder: Brandon, Nicole, Jennifer, Jack, Sami, Hope and Bo. SUMMARY: **from** Brandon is the first to appear when Belle screams and he pronounces Colin dead as everyone else rushes onto the terrace. Meanwhile, Roman/Kate catch Sami just as she puts the gun away, but Sami shifts the focus off her and blasts Kate for pursuing Roman. Sami's forced to admit things are getting serious when Roman tells her he wants to be with Kate. Roman's called to the murder scene, leaving Sami/Kate alone at the house; Kate questions Sami about Colin's murder and agitated Sami storms out, crashing her car right outside Roman's house. Abe sees Lexie's distracted and reveals he's been aware that something's been bothering her. Lexie covers and then Abe is called to the Kiriakis Mansion. Back at Bo/Hope's house, Bo asks Hope about the blood on her hand. Hope's thrown to see the blood and assumes she cut herself when she was slicing an apple. Bo asks why she (
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