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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9295
Diffusé le : 30/04/2002
**from** After speaking with Stefano, Lexie realizes that she will undoubtedly lose Isaac without Abe. Rolf suggests that Lexie take Isaac and join her father, but she is not convinced that it would be best to run. He reminds Lexie that she is a DiMera and needs to start thinking like one. Meanwhile, Celeste meets Abe at the old Carver house. She's deeply worried about Lexie and fears that she's crossed over to the DiMera side for good. Celeste realizes she may be the only one who can save Lexie from her father's power. Later, at the DiMera Mansion, Celeste stuns Lexie by announcing that she's moving in. Lexie ignores her mother and heads out on a mission. While at the mansion, Celeste crosses paths with Dr. Rolf and senses that he's up to no good. Rolf privately wonders if he'll have to take care of Celeste once and for all. Lexie goes to see Abe and attempts to reconcile with him, but Abe gives her an ultimatum: she can either be a Carver or a DiMera, but she cannot be b (
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