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Days of our Lives
(Des jours et des vies)
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Ep. #9285
Diffusé le : 16/04/2002
**from** Jennifer and Brandon are stunned to see Greta with Jack and Harold in drag on stage, making a fiasco of the rehearsal. Jack sees Big Chauncey pull out a gun and is stricken with terror. Jack hits a dancer with the briefcase, which spurs a round of hot potato, ending as Jack, Greta and Harold all go flying into the orchestra pit. Chauncey pulls Jack up and they struggle for possession of the briefcase. It goes flying and lands on a set piece above the stage. They scramble to retrieve it; as Jack is swinging from the set piece and it looks like he's going to be shot, Jennifer and Brandon knock out Chico and Big Chauncey! They're arrested and Jennifer is furious at Jack, who desperately tries to explain his tangled web of lies. Jennifer reveals that she knows his little secret and Jack blurts out, "I am not gay!" Unbeknownst to him, the microphone is on as his confession reverberates throughout the ballroom... Bo and Hope become even more worried about Shawn's state (
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8 / 10
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