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The Bold and the Beautiful
(Amour, Gloire et Beauté)
Précédent  19x20 Suivant
Ep. #4534
Diffusé le : 19/04/2005
Nick tells Bridget he doesn't want to wait for her to be his wife and suggests they get married the following day. Massimo and Jackie later stop by the Shady Marlin at Nick's request. He informs them of the wedding, Massimo is thrilled, yet Jackie believes Nick is marrying Bridget to run away from his feelings for Brooke. At Forrester Creations, Ridge is busy on his first day back in the office. Ridge shows Eric the cover of Eye On Fashion magazine, depicting Bridget and Nick's wedding plans. Bridget arrives and Ridge shows his dis-appreciation by walking out. Eric voices his concerns, but is later supportive when he is charmed over by Nick. Elsewhere, a secret figure rips the cover of the magazine with Nick and Bridget in half. (
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