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Genie In the House
Précédent  1x02 Suivant
My New Best Friend
Diffusé le : 30/05/2006
Sophie pretends to be ill but Emma knows she is trying to get a day off school so she Sophie explains she is being bullied at school and Philip doesn't know what to do when it is her geography teacher that's bullying her. So she turns to Adil for help (probably not the best idea she ever had) and Adil makes her teacher be her a new best friend and she won't leave Sophie alone. Meanwhile Emma wants some interesting fish so she asks Adil to make them expert swimmers but Adil says the wish wrong and turns them into expert singers. Adil gets very attached to the fish and names them Do, Ray, and Mi. Things turn to the worst for Sophie when her teacher wants to go on a date with Philip. Luckily Sophie comes up with a solution and gets Adil to redo the wish and gets her teacher to be best friends with Emma's fish. (
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