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Shugo Chara!
Précédent  3x19 Suivant
Utau's Wavering Heart
Diffusé le : 13/02/2010
Utau storms out of a recording session for her new song because the director tells her to sing in some other way but she refuses, and goes to eat ramen with Kukai to cool her head. But when even her favorite ramen shop changes their recipe in response to customer feedback, Utau get mad and Kukai tells her at times like this she should go talk to her 'female friend' and that 'female friend is none other than Amu. Amu is shocked when Utau appears at her house, but Amu's family is very happy to see Utau. The two of them go out to talk. Then, an X Egg, which kept saying 'I don't wanna,' appears. Utau get annoyed and says to it "Why dont you try the thing you don't want to; maybe it turn out to be more greater than you ever thought." Amu says that Utau's right. Just then, Utau realizes that her behaviour in the studio was wrong. Amu purifies the X Egg and Utau says 'Thank You' to Amu, though she didn't know what Utau meant. Utau goes back to the studio and apologizes to the director and records the new song. (
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