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Shugo Chara!
Précédent  2x02 Suivant
Hectic Day to Speak Frankly!?
Diffusé le : 11/10/2008
The Guardians gathered around eating doughnuts. Then it shows the Easter workers reminiscing about the past when Nikaidou and Yukari were still working for Easter and when Utau was producing the Black Diamond CDs. Amu goes to talk to Tsukasa, and he tells her that changes are going to happen, and she might not notice it, but the people who pay close attention will. When Amu is heading home, it rains, so she stops under a tree. After saying Ikuto's name aloud, he pops down suddenly from the tree. To Amu's shock, she accidentally slips, leaving Ikuto preventing her from falling and the two talk. Ikuto mentions that Amu has changed somehow. Tadase shows up with an umbrella, gets angry, and fights Ikuto while they both Character Change. Amu decides to do something, and she Character Transforms to Amulet Heart. The Humpty Lock becomes more powerful and her transformation changes, causing the Dumpty Key to respond to the power. The rain clears, showing a rainbow. (
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