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Shugo Chara!
Précédent  1x48 Suivant
La mission de yaya
Diffusé le : 06/09/2008
Summer vacation is over and the Guardians return to school. Tadase thinks Yaya needs special training and asks Kukai to help. When a group of third graders come to the Guardians for help finding a lost bird, Kukai suggests leaving the search to Yaya. After begging from both groups, Yaya gives in. Yaya searches all day, but is unable to find the bird. The next day, Yaya dresses dress up as a detective, after seeing a television program, and continues her search, with the other Guardians following her around. Although she keeps getting sidetracked, Yaya eventually finds a bird and catches it. However, it turns out to be her pediatrician's bird. Yaya returns to the third grade classroom to resume the search, but finds the bird already in its cage. Kukai tells the Guardians that the class found it on their own, because they could not leave Yaya alone. (
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