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The Amazing Race
Précédent  13x08 Suivant
I'm Like an Angry Cow
Diffusé le : 16/11/2008
The remaining teams set off from their Pit Stop at Humayun's Tomb in Old Delhi, India and receive a clue instructing them to fly Almaty, Kazakhstan and then find a chicken factory. A mad scramble for flights ensues, but is ultimately rendering meaningless when all teams make the 7 A.M. opening time for the leg's first task. One team leaps ahead after claiming the Fast Forward in an eating challenge, while another that attempted the task falls dangerously behind. Upon completing a chicken filled Roadblock, the teams travel by giant crane trucks to the Koktobe Arch and receive a clue delivered by a trained falcon. Much mooing ensues when several teams take part in a task requiring the racers to dress in a cow costume. One team makes a critical error in reading the clue and is turned back from the leg's Pit Stop-- the Old Square. Ultimately, however, another team is unable to come back from having lagged behind and is eliminated from the race (
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