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The Amazing Race
Précédent  10x12 Suivant
Dude, I'm Such a Hot Giant Chick Right Now!
Diffusé le : 03/12/2006
The teams take off from their Pit Stop, a nomadic settlement known as the Berber Camp, and receive a clue instructing them to travel 275 miles through the Atlas Mountains to Casablanca. Once there, the teams face a Roadblock that requires one member of each team to get in touch with their "Inner chef and adventurous appetite" by consuming a pound of camel meat. After completing this task, teams fly 800 miles to Barcelona, Spain. At 10 A.M., they enter a confusing labyrinth to search for the next clue. Some teams struggle, while others remain calm, allowing them to easily navigate the complex maze. The teams then travel to a Detour task which involves either dressing up as giants or searching through tomatoes while being pelted with them. Finally, the teams travel to the Pit Stop, the fountain at the Palau National of Mojuic. The top three teams learn that they will be racing for the finish line and one million dollars, but one team receives the disappointing news that they are eliminated. (
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