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The Amazing Race
Précédent  10x05 Suivant
I Covered His Mouth, Oh My Gosh!
Diffusé le : 15/10/2006
The teams take off from their Pit Stop at the Soi Sim in the Halo Bay and receive a clue instructing them to fly 3,000 miles to Chennai, India. After riding the train to Hanoi, a scramble for planes begins with many twists and turns. All teams eventually arrive in Hanoi some together and the rest trailing only minutes to a couple hours behind. The teams take a bus 40 miles to Mamallapuram and are then faced with a Detour --- Wild Things or Wild Rice. Wild Things requires them to handle crocodiles, while Wild Rice involves constructing a complex pattern out of colored powder made from rice. After completing the task, the teams travel by bus to the Karthik Driving School. A Roadblock requires one member of each team to complete an Indian driving test. Teams then check-in at the Pit Stop, the Chettinad House, after driving ten miles with the driving instructor. When the final team arrives, they are not eliminated, but are surprised to learn about a new penalty twist. (
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