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The Amazing Race
Précédent  8x11 Suivant
The Family Christmas Card
Diffusé le : 06/12/2005
The teams continue from the last episode after being told they have not reached a Pit Stop and travel 49 miles to Dubois, Wyoming's Turtle Ranch. There, they face a Detour involving either Pioneer Spirit or Native Tradition. The Linz and Bransen Families opt for Pioneer Spirit in which they have to attach four wheels to a covered wagon and then drive a team of horses a quarter of a mile. Native Tradition involves building a tepee and the Weavers and Godlewskis chose this task. Next, the families travel 221 miles to Cody, Wyoming and find the Hotel Irma. They dress in period clothes and take a picture with "Buffalo Bill." Then they travel 73 miles to Red Lodge Mountain Golf Course in Montana and do a two-person Roadblock involving finding golf balls matching the color of a flag. The teams check in at the Pit Stop at Green Meadow Ranch, but one is eliminated, leaving the final three teams. (
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