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The Amazing Race
Précédent  6x04 Suivant
What If It Isn't Sanitary
Diffusé le : 07/12/2004
The teams continue from Stockholm, Sweden to Africa. They first have to find a clue at a Town Hall Center Tower where some teams are embarrassed but ultimately don't lose ground after misreading an opening time. In Dakar, Sengal, Africa, the teams must find a gravesite of a famous poet and some fall slightly behind for a while on a bit of bad information. Later, they face a Detour in which they must choose between Stack 'Em Up or Pack 'Em Up --- two tasks involving fish. Stack 'Em Up, which involves stacking the fish in a pile, seems to be the faster choice, but a few teams opt for the fishing and fall behind. Later, a Roadblock involves hauling salt out of a red lake called Lac Rose. The race to the finish is close, but one team is in for some good news. (
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