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The Amazing Race
Précédent  6x01 Suivant
The Game's Afoot
Diffusé le : 16/11/2004
The teams take off from the United States to Iceland, racing to make one of three flights that connect to Iceland. Weather delays move some teams from first to last, but the teams all end up together at Europe's largest glacier. After doing some snowmobiling, they camp on the glacier for the night and then take charters leaving at half-hour intervals determined by tickets they pulled from their tents. Their next clue brings them to Glacier Ice Beach, where they have a Detour choice of Ice Climb or Ice Search. Most teams opt for the Ice Climb, which involves climbing up a glacier using special gear. Three go for the Ice Climb, which involves searching a seven square-mile area for an orange buoy. This allows some teams to finish fast, but leaves one hopelessly lost for a good while. Ultimately, the 200 mile drive to the Pit Stop at the Blue Lagoon determines the final results, as one team is too late to find the check-in area and is eliminated. (
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