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The Amazing Race
Précédent  2x08 Suivant
I'm Not a Miner! No, You're an Idiot!
Diffusé le : 24/04/2002
In this special two hour episode of The Amazing Race, the teams make their way all the way from the Hong Kong Harbor to deep in the Australian outback. In the first leg, the teams travel from Hong Kong Harbor to Repulse Bay. There, they complete several tasks including a Detour that gives a choice of Dragon or Lion and a Roadblock that involves a walking tour using Australian slang. The Roadblock proves very confusing for some teams, but the confusion may not be the tragedy that one team thinks it is. In the second leg, the teams continue their journey in Australia, heading into the Australian outback. Some teams pursue the Fast Forward to keep themselves in the game. The Detour is a choice of Cool Down or Heat Up and the Roadblock requires skill with a boomerang. One team struggles with the challenge but hangs on, while another falls dangerously behind. (
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