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Précédent  11x09 Suivant
Guns N' Neuroses
Diffusé le : 18/11/2003
Lilith comes to town for a one-day conference. She and Frasier try to get together, but keep having to cancel. Lilith discusses her romantic problems with a colleague at Cafe Nervosa before having to return to the conference. The woman then meets Frasier and arranges a blind date between an unwitting Frasier and Lilith. Frasier and Lilith plan to meet for drinks at her hotel before their date(s). When it takes longer than expected, Frasier calls the woman who arranged the date and says that he has to cancel. Lilith tries to save face by cancelling the date herself. She and Frasier each believe they have been stood up, but are hesitant to admit it to each other. They have a wonderful evening together, and even help the couple in the next room deal with relationship problems. Frasier winds up falling asleep and staying overnight. Meanwhile, a frantic Niles, Martin and Daphne try to undo the damage after Martin's gun accidentally discharges in Frasier's apartment. (
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