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The Confusion of the Generals
Diffusé le : 12/11/1988
The Germans now suspect the French General of trying to poison the German Generals, so René is reprieved. Herr Flick is in traction after being blown up when René's false nose exploded. General von Klinkerhoffen plans to continue the Generals' Conference with local peasants disguised as German Generals at the château and the real Generals disguised as peasants in the Café René. He thinks that the Resistance will blow up the peasants, thinking that they're the real Generals. Michelle arrives at the café to say that a group of British airmen, disguised as onion sellers, will arrive shortly. The German Generals also arrive dressed as onion sellers. There's an air raid and, in the confusion, the wrong group of onion sellers is sent off to England. (
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